Alleviating poverty! Such a big word for a Virtual Assistant provider, right?
But having a purpose in life drives what you do every day. If you live for a purpose, the results are visible in the quality of your work.
In 2012 whilst working for an IT company in Fiji I was asked to train the team at the Helpdesk. I can still vividly remember the team’s fire in their bellies when I was sharing all the tips and tricks I had picked up over the last 10 years. The team was so keen, so hungry to learn. Their dedication towards their job was amazing!
During that time I also had the pleasure to meet their families and see how they lived. Most importantly I got to see what employment was doing to themselves and to their families. Their personal lives were transformed by the knowledge they acquired on their jobs and they were applying a lot of the same skills at home.
And because their skills were improving by the month, some of them were rewarded with better positions in the organisation. This meant better wage and enhanced ability to support more family members!
I knew back then we were onto something. The difficult part was to convince the Australian market that we could help dedicated people from Fiji by employing them as virtual workforce for local companies.
I could see back then how the 2 countries could help each other out. It took me about 3 years to build the business, allowing it to serve more companies from Australia with virtual teams based in Fiji.
Why am I telling you this?
Because I believe that in the last 12 years, Greymouse has touched enough lives that we can’t afford to forget why we started.