Do you generate insane profit from your business but you’re still unsatisfied? Perhaps, there’s a discreet voice gnawing at you ‘Is there something missing’?
Many business leaders latch on the idea of rewiring a positive change only in their business, without making a difference in the entire industry. Perhaps, what’s missing is the desire to build a legacy, to do something creative and establish a transformational business that you’ll be proud of…the desire to build a socially responsible business.
Turn your ordinary small business into an extraordinary legacy by being a socially responsible leader. Here’s how:
Want it!
Whatever you do, believe in it. Set a goal, stick to it and hang in until you pull off. More than just a meek set of aphorisms, the initial step is to want it. What does it mean? Believe into your goals and instinct, tap into your own desire and rev up the fire in your belly.
Hire a champion WISELY.
Running a successful business isn’t a DIY thing. You need a helping hand from champions. But it doesn’t mean investing in expensive office-based workplace. If you are planning to launch a startup, engage remote employees to save energy and overhead expenses. Get a full-force outsourcing team to efficiently manage your back-end office tasks.
Weave sustainability into your business culture.
While you’re aiming for a far-reaching business, you must realise the need to set some visible changes to get others to follow. Weave a sense of leadership and sustainability into the fabric of your operational culture. Your team might not be able to see the changes immediately, but injecting the principles and values as a part of your business is a win-win approach down the road.
Embrace social responsibility.
For every business leader, generating heaps of money isn’t just the rewarding responsibility. There’s a need to embrace the fact that businesses play a very important role in shaping the social fabric. Let’s begin by sharing a big responsibility in the fight against poverty. Let’s influence the community and the world.
Yes, becoming a socially responsible business can be politically, logistically and culturally perplexing, but it’s the only way to turn your ordinary business into an extraordinary legacy!