Just Do It!

by Marisa Wiman

There is nothing like giving your word that you are going to do something and then not do it.

Lately, I am dealing with organisations who promise they are going to do something and here I am… waiting and waiting and waiting to hear from them. Isn’t this frustrating?

I believe that rule number one in business MUST be to keep your word! If you promise something, as simple as a phone call at 8AM, just do it. Do not forget or think that the receiver might have forgotten. The receiver will NOT forget that you promised to do something.

One of the key things that I constantly teach the team is to communicate well and to keep their word. This is above the actual task they have to deliver. No one will ever get mad at them if they keep the communication going on whatever they are doing.

Stop for a minute and think about yourself and your dealing with your staff, colleagues, businesses, etc. Do you keep your word and do what you say you are going to do or you tend to slip through the promise?

At times I find myself using my hand as a diary, if I am worried that I might forget to do something. Do you do this? It might not be ‘cute’ or ‘professional’ but it works! If I give my word I will do everything to make sure I do not forget.

Stop for a minute and think what you need to do today that you have promised to do, and start sending out updates so that you will not get chased by the receiver of your promise. You will feel better about it and you can continue in what you are doing.

Thank you for reading my blog entry. Just do it!